3940 E. Gilman Street, Long Beach, CA 90815

Arthritic Foot and Ankle Care


Arthritis in the feet and ankles is common. As you grow older, any pain or stiffness you experience in your feet or ankles could be related to arthritis. The pain can become so excruciating it can impact your ability to walk. Your quality of life and mobility can be impacted greatly. With proper treatment, you can slow the progression of the arthritis and improve your mobility.


Arthritis is a relatively broad term that involves a number of conditions that destroy how a normal joint works. Arthritis can occur in virtually any joint. There are different kinds of arthritis, and injuries can lead to arthritis later on. If you are suffering from arthritis in the feet or ankles, call our office to schedule an appointment so we can derive an effective treatment plan to help you improve your symptoms.