3940 E. Gilman Street, Long Beach, CA 90815



A deformity of the second, third or fourth toe is referred to as hammertoe. This condition is the result of the toe’s middle joint being bent resulting in the toe looking like a hammer. Those who suffer from hammertoe can find it difficult to get comfortable footwear. Hammertoe can also result in painful toes. Corns or calluses can develop on the toe’s top middle joint or on the toe’s tip.


Muscle imbalance or shoes that don’t fit properly can cause hammertoe. This condition can be treated by wearing shoes that are roomy and soft. Exercises to tighten and strengthen the muscles can be very beneficial as well. Non-medicated corn pads, cushions or straps are available to help relieve the discomfort. If hammertoe is severe, surgery may be required.


If you are experiencing the discomfort of hammertoe, call our office to schedule an appointment. We will come up with an effective treatment plan that will relieve the pain and discomfort.