3940 E. Gilman Street, Long Beach, CA 90815

Flat Feet

Flat feet, which usually result from the ankle bones leaning toward the center, is a very common foot problem. While many people with flat feet don’t experience pain or problems, others may experience pain in the lower leg, feet or ankles. Tibialis posterior tendonitis, which is known as adult-acquired flatfoot, involves inflammation of the tibialis posterior tendon. This is the result of the tendon becoming torn, stretched or inflamed.


If this problem is not properly treated, it can result in chronic pain and even severe disability. Those who have flat feet or abnormal tendon attachment in the mid-foot can lead to tibialis posterior tendonitis. Effective forms of treatment are physical therapy, orthotics, icing, anti-inflammatory medications, supportive tape or a combination of those. Severe cases may require surgical procedures on the bones of the mid-foot.


If you are suffering pain from flat feet, call us to schedule an appointment. A podiatrist can come up with a solution that will ease your discomfort.